Statistics and meaning of name Khristoforov

We have no records about Khristoforov being used as firstname.
Surname Khristoforov is used at least 240 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 赫里斯托福罗夫 (pinyin: hè lǐ sī tuō fú luō fū)

      Surname Khristoforov
Given names
Leonid Khristoforov (2)
Valeriy Khristoforov (1)
Vera Khristoforov (1)
Olga Khristoforov (1)
Genadiy Khristoforov (1)
Serguei Khristoforov (1)
Evgen Khristoforov (1)

Khristoforov reversed is Vorofotsirhk
Name contains 12 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Khlistoforov Khrristoforov Khrisstoforov Khrystoforov Khristoforob Khrjstoforov Khrestoforov Khristoforova Krhistoforov Khristoforvo Khristofoorv

Rhymes: Kasparov Kirov Sakharov mauve withdraws straws tablecloth cheesecloth

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Thailand Canada Turkey Denmark


Writers: Khristoforov V., Valentin Khristoforov

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