Statistics and meaning of name Klebinger

We have no records about Klebinger being used as firstname.
Surname Klebinger is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Germany)

Given names
Andreas Klebinger (2)
Franz Klebinger (2)
Eugen Klebinger (1)
Elke Klebinger (1)
Georg Klebinger (1)
Heinz Klebinger (1)
Rudolf Klebinger (1)
Peter Klebinger (1)
Christian Klebinger (1)
Tobias Klebinger (1)
Gunther Klebinger (1)
Bianca Klebinger (1)
Johann Klebinger (1)
Maria Klebinger (1)
Renate Klebinger (1)
Ulrike Klebinger (1)

Surname Klebinger in Austria   Surname Klebinger in Germany   

Klebinger reversed is Regnibelk
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Genlerkib
Misspells: Klebingel Klebingerr Klebynger Klebjnger Klebenger Klebingera Kelbinger Klebingre Klebinegr

Rhymes: Dillinger Ginger Kissinger Preminger Salinger Schlesinger Schrödinger stinger singer bringer ringer stringer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Arthur Klebinger says: Ich spiele Eishockey

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Germany Ukraine


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