Statistics and meaning of name Klejzerowicz
We have no records about Klejzerowicz being used as firstname.
Surname Klejzerowicz is used at least 18 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Halina Klejzerowicz (2) Miroslaw Klejzerowicz (2) Jacek Klejzerowicz (1) Marek Klejzerowicz (1) Maria Klejzerowicz (1) Wojciech Klejzerowicz (1) Wladyslaw Klejzerowicz (1) Dorota Klejzerowicz (1) Slawomir Klejzerowicz (1) Alicja Klejzerowicz (1) Alina Klejzerowicz (1) Anna Klejzerowicz (1) Bogdan Klejzerowicz (1) Barbara Klejzerowicz (1) Mariusz Klejzerowicz (1) |
Klejzerowicz reversed is Zciworezjelk
Name contains 12 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Jzilrekozcew Cezikjewrolz
Misspells: Klejzelowicz Klejzerrowicz Klejzerowycz Klejzerovvicz Klejzerowjcz Kleizerowicz Klejzerowecz Klejzerowicza Keljzerowicz Klejzerowizc Klejzerowciz
Rhymes: revisionists syphilis chrysalis dissidence empiricists
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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