Statistics and meaning of name Klingender
We have no records about Klingender being used as firstname.
Surname Klingender is used at least 14 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Jack Klingender (1) Franz Klingender (1) |
Klingender reversed is Rednegnilk
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Rnekilgedn
Misspells: Klingendel Klingenderr Klyngender Kljngender Klengender Klingendera Kilngender Klingendre Klingenedr
Rhymes: Bender attender bartender bender blender contender defender kingfisher milliner wickeder villager finisher
Meaning of this name is unknown.
christoph Klingender says: The Marburg Archives name Martin Klingender as a fencing master at the Marburg Phillips University around 1600,where he was called ´Martin die Klinge´,which means Martin the blade(that of a sword).Supposedly being a French Hugenot,he then took on the name ´Klingender´ for a new identity in German Hesse-Kassel.He was the ancestor of all Klingenders thereafter.There are still around 10 people by the name Klingender in Germany,all descendants from the Güstrow-Pommern-branch of our family.
christoph Klingender says: there are some 60 people by that name living in Uruguay today.
klingender says: Martin Klingender,fencing master at Phillips Marburg,German.around 1700
christoph Klingender says: The ethymologie is probably a made up name,in reference to the blade of a sword, which is ´Klinge´in German language. There are 6 individuals still extant in Germany.
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