Statistics and meaning of name Klunduk

We have no records about Klunduk being used as firstname.
Surname Klunduk is used at least 116 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Klunduk
Given names
Marek Klunduk (4)
Katherine Klunduk (3)
Ewa Klunduk (2)
Bogumila Klunduk (1)
lucjan Klunduk (1)
Waldemar Klunduk (1)
Anna Klunduk (1)
Magdalena Klunduk (1)
Zofia Klunduk (1)
Grazyna Klunduk (1)
Jerzy Klunduk (1)
Mark Klunduk (1)
Aneta Klunduk (1)

Surname Klunduk in Poland   

Klunduk reversed is Kudnulk
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Ndulukk Luknudk Dkunkul Kuldunk Nukkuld
Misspells: Klunduka Kulnduk Klundku Klunudk

Rhymes: Marduk humbug rucksack stomach hummock

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Estonia Germany Armenia Austria United Kingdom Canada Sweden Netherlands Lithuania

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