Statistics and meaning of name Kolbach

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Kolbach first name was found 8 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Kolbach is used at least 128 times in at least 15 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科尔巴赫 (pinyin: kē ěr bā hè)

      Surname Kolbach
Given names
Mathias Kolbach (2)
Bernhard Kolbach (2)
Walter Kolbach (2)
Pierre Kolbach (2)
Udo Kolbach (1)
Uwe Kolbach (1)
Paul Kolbach (1)
Liliya Kolbach (1)
Martina Kolbach (1)
Olaf Kolbach (1)
Rita Kolbach (1)
Wolfgang Kolbach (1)
Monika Kolbach (1)
Zsolt Kolbach (1)
Waltraud Kolbach (1)
Jozsefne Kolbach (1)
Janosne Kolbach (1)
Gyorgy Kolbach (1)
Janos Kolbach (1)
Kuno Kolbach (1)
Jozef Kolbach (1)
Rolande Kolbach (1)
Helene Kolbach (1)
Peter Kolbach (1)
Camille Kolbach (1)
Serge Kolbach (1)
Jean Kolbach (1)
Laure Kolbach (1)
Gry Kolbach (1)
Louise Kolbach (1)
Joachim Kolbach (1)
Stephanie Kolbach (1)
Herbert Kolbach (1)
Helga Kolbach (1)
Niels Kolbach (1)
Axel Kolbach (1)
Karin Kolbach (1)

Given name Kolbach
Family names
Kolbach Turanyine (1)
Kolbach Kurt (1)

Surname Kolbach in France   Surname Kolbach in Germany   Surname Kolbach in Hungary   Surname Kolbach in Netherlands   Surname Kolbach in USA   

Kolbach reversed is Hcablok
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Kolboch Kolbacha Klobach Kolbahc Kolbcah

Rhymes: Bernbach Offenbach Almach Bach Banach Beach hallmark crosswalk monarch stopcock pockmark

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Adolf says: Dies ist ein altgriechischer Name mit ugandischer Herkunft

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Chile Luxembourg Austria Canada Europe Netherlands Thailand Denmark Ireland New Caledonia Ukraine Hungary France


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