Statistics and meaning of name Koleniec
We have no records about Koleniec being used as firstname.
Surname Koleniec is used at least 13 times in at least 1 countries. (Poland)
Given names
Teresa Koleniec (2) Roman Koleniec (2) Urszula Koleniec (1) Helena Koleniec (1) Dorota Koleniec (1) Wiera Koleniec (1) Irena Koleniec (1) Jan Koleniec (1) Dominika Koleniec (1) Henryk Koleniec (1) Edward Koleniec (1) |
Koleniec reversed is Ceinelok
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Eklocnei Eleinock Eolciekn Nolekeci Eokleicn Cnolekie Lionekce Inkeleoc
Misspells: Kolenyec Kolenjec Koleneec Kolenieca Kloeniec Kolenice Koleneic
Rhymes: unique critique politique cacique technique
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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