Statistics and meaning of name Kolonista
We have no records about Kolonista being used as firstname.
Surname Kolonista is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Poland)
Given names
Leon Kolonista (1) Emilia Kolonista (1) Mieczyslawa Kolonista (1) Piotr Kolonista (1) Teresa Kolonista (1) Przemyslaw Kolonista (1) Czeslaw Kolonista (1) Szpakowska Kolonista (1) Eugenia Kolonista (1) Janina Kolonista (1) Franciszek Kolonista (1) Henryk Kolonista (1) Saba Kolonista (1) Renata Kolonista (1) |
Kolonista reversed is Atsinolok
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Koolsatin Klansoito Siatlokno Sliotakno
Misspells: Kolonisto Kolonissta Kolonysta Kolonjsta Kolonesta Kolonistaa Kloonista Kolonisat Kolonitsa
Rhymes: Sandinista Batista Christa Krista vista guerrilla abscissa gorilla guerilla
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Steve says: The name is a Polish word for colonist, used to refer to Germans and others who were settled by the rulers of what was then Poland, especially in Silesia. It also means just "farmer" as many surnames are simply the occupation of the family.
Steve says: Kolonista also can be a solely Polish name. If taken from an occupation, it can mean someone who worked on a Kolonie, a settlement for farming made by clearing away forests from nobles' estates. Among other locations, it is found in Walkowice near Poznan.
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