Statistics and meaning of name Koorbanally

We have no records about Koorbanally being used as firstname.
Surname Koorbanally is used at least 16 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Koorbanally
Given names
Angela Koorbanally (2)
Imelda Koorbanally (2)
Colleen Koorbanally (2)
Val Koorbanally (1)
Norman Koorbanally (1)
Valerie Koorbanally (1)

Koorbanally reversed is Yllanabrook
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.

Anagrams: Aonboklayrl Ralnoybaokl Aalnokrobly
Misspells: Koorbonally Koolbanally Koorrbanally Koorbanalli Koorbanallya Koorbanalyl

Rhymes: additionally carnally communally computationally conditionally constitutionally conventionally finale rectally lethally valley

Meaning of this name is unknown.

NLK says: Koorbanally means "The Gift of God"
PGK says: Koorban=Qorban=Korban which all mean an offering or sacrifice. Ally=Ali=Eli which mean 'High', 'Elevated', 'Ascent' and in Abrahamic religions is associated with the name of God. Therefore Koorbanally means 'Offering or Sacrifice to the 'Most High'. Gift of God is therefore a true reflection of the meaning of the surname.

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