Statistics and meaning of name Kortenbach

We have no records about Kortenbach being used as firstname.
Surname Kortenbach is used at least 61 times in at least 9 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科滕巴赫 (pinyin: kē Téng bā hè)

      Surname Kortenbach
Given names
Herbert Kortenbach (1)
Heinrich Kortenbach (1)
Gerta Kortenbach (1)
Peter Kortenbach (1)
Ulrich Kortenbach (1)
Cornelius Kortenbach (1)
Katja Kortenbach (1)
Erika Kortenbach (1)
Ellen Kortenbach (1)
Rob Kortenbach (1)
Robert Kortenbach (1)
Karl Kortenbach (1)
Peggy Kortenbach (1)
Christel Kortenbach (1)
Corinna Kortenbach (1)
Christina Kortenbach (1)
Jos Kortenbach (1)

Surname Kortenbach in Germany   Surname Kortenbach in Netherlands   Surname Kortenbach in USA   

Kortenbach reversed is Hcabnetrok
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Kortenboch Koltenbach Korrtenbach Kortenbacha Krotenbach Kortenbahc Kortenbcah

Rhymes: Bernbach Offenbach Almach Bach Banach forelock

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Germany Denmark Sweden Ireland Spain Canada United Kingdom Switzerland


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