Statistics and meaning of name Korukcu

We have no records about Korukcu being used as firstname.
Surname Korukcu is used at least 25 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Korukcu
Given names
Halil Korukcu (2)
Serif Korukcu (2)
Osman Korukcu (2)
Murat Korukcu (1)
Nazife Korukcu (1)
Haliz Korukcu (1)
Cengiz Korukcu (1)
Ihsan Korukcu (1)
Gultekin Korukcu (1)
Isa Korukcu (1)
Bruno Korukcu (1)
Bedia Korukcu (1)
Adnan Korukcu (1)
Gulkiz Korukcu (1)
Ahmet Korukcu (1)
Ali Korukcu (1)
Yeter Korukcu (1)
Hamdi Korukcu (1)
Elise Korukcu (1)

Surname Korukcu in Austria   Surname Korukcu in France   

Korukcu reversed is Uckurok
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ukrocuk Ukokucr Kourukc Kurukco Uokruck Ucokruk Cukkuro Uckurok
Misspells: Kolukcu Korrukcu Korukcua Kroukcu Korukuc Korucku

Rhymes: hukou guru voodoo voulu hoopoe

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Turkey France Germany Switzerland


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