Statistics and meaning of name Kouhia

We have no records about Kouhia being used as firstname.
Surname Kouhia is used at least 23 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科希亚 (pinyin: kē xī yà)

      Surname Kouhia
Given names
Kenneth Kouhia (2)
Maisa Kouhia (1)
Raija Kouhia (1)
Tauno Kouhia (1)
Tuula Kouhia (1)
Toiwo Kouhia (1)
Koja Kouhia (1)
Kerstin Kouhia (1)
Ann Kouhia (1)
Annette Kouhia (1)
Cristina Kouhia (1)
Hans Kouhia (1)
Teuvo Kouhia (1)

Surname Kouhia in USA   

Kouhia reversed is Aihuok
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Ouhaki Aohiuk Ukoiha Oukhai Haukio Ihakuo Oukiah
Misspells: Kouhio Kouhya Kouhja Kouhea Kouhiaa Kuohia Kouhai Kouiha

Rhymes: Appalachia Bahia Cynthia Escherichia Parthia Philadelphia Scythia hia quia gonorrhea panacea curia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden Finland Germany


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