Statistics and meaning of name Kovalenkov

We have no records about Kovalenkov being used as firstname.
Surname Kovalenkov is used at least 79 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科瓦连科夫 (pinyin: kē wǎ lián kē fū)

      Surname Kovalenkov
Given names
Larisa Kovalenkov (2)
Sergey Kovalenkov (1)
Efrosiniya Kovalenkov (1)
Vladymyz Kovalenkov (1)

Surname Kovalenkov in USA   

Kovalenkov reversed is Voknelavok
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Vaokvolekn
Misspells: Kovolenkov Kobalenkov Kovalenkova Kvoalenkov Kovalenkvo Kovalenokv

Rhymes: Cerenkov Baryshnikov Kalashnikov Kharkov Markov stationarv

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Oleg Kovalenkov says: The name is originated from Ukrainian "Koval'" or "Kovalenko" that stands for the occupation "smith", or "black smith". Somehow Ukrainian originally it received letter "V" at the end becoming Russian version. Russian anlog would be "Kuznetsov"

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