Statistics and meaning of name Kramhoft

We have no records about Kramhoft being used as firstname.
Surname Kramhoft is used at least 38 times in at least 2 countries. (Denmark,Norway)

Given names
Sophie Kramhoft (4)
Lisbeth Kramhoft (3)
Jens Kramhoft (2)
Kirsten Kramhoft (2)
Magnus Kramhoft (2)
Helle Kramhoft (2)
Lars Kramhoft (2)
Rita Kramhoft (1)
Mette Kramhoft (1)
Marianne Kramhoft (1)
Carsten Kramhoft (1)
Birte Kramhoft (1)
Taina Kramhoft (1)
Johannes Kramhoft (1)
Vibe Kramhoft (1)
Ulla Kramhoft (1)
Mads Kramhoft (1)
Lise Kramhoft (1)
Karen Kramhoft (1)
Jonathan Kramhoft (1)
Finn Kramhoft (1)
Jan Kramhoft (1)
Claus Kramhoft (1)
Birgit Kramhoft (1)
Charlotte Kramhoft (1)
Linnea Kramhoft (1)
Line Kramhoft (1)
Jakob Kramhoft (1)

Kramhoft reversed is Tfohmark
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Kromhoft Klamhoft Krramhoft Kramhofta Karmhoft Kramhotf Kramhfot

Rhymes: Ashcroft Bancroft Microsoft Zoloft aloft hayloft loft canvassed granite rampant gamut cravat

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Norway Germany Switzerland

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