Statistics and meaning of name Krzysztoforski
We have no records about Krzysztoforski being used as firstname.
Surname Krzysztoforski is used at least 51 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Poland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 克日什托福尔斯基 (pinyin: kè rì shén tuō fú ěr sī jī)
Given names
Andrzej Krzysztoforski (4) Zbigniew Krzysztoforski (4) Adam Krzysztoforski (4) Krzysztof Krzysztoforski (3) Stefan Krzysztoforski (2) Mieczyslaw Krzysztoforski (2) Jan Krzysztoforski (2) Jozef Krzysztoforski (2) Wladyslaw Krzysztoforski (2) Edward Krzysztoforski (2) Stanislaw Krzysztoforski (2) Kazimierz Krzysztoforski (2) Ryszard Krzysztoforski (1) Miroslaw Krzysztoforski (1) Zofia Krzysztoforski (1) Grzegorz Krzysztoforski (1) Dariusz Krzysztoforski (1) Marek Krzysztoforski (1) Zdzislaw Krzysztoforski (1) Jacek Krzysztoforski (1) Wojciech Krzysztoforski (1) Roman Krzysztoforski (1) Wlodzimierz Krzysztoforski (1) Arkadiusz Krzysztoforski (1) Zygfryd Krzysztoforski (1) Sylwester Krzysztoforski (1) Eugeniusz Krzysztoforski (1) Henryk Krzysztoforski (1) Witold Krzysztoforski (1) Wieslaw Krzysztoforski (1) Piotr Krzysztoforski (1) Iwona Krzysztoforski (1) |
Krzysztoforski reversed is Iksrofotzsyzrk
Name contains 14 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Misspells: Klzysztoforski Krrzysztoforski Krzyssztoforski Krzysztoforsky Krzisztoforski Krzysztoforskj Krzysztoforske Krzysztoforskia Kzrysztoforski Krzysztoforsik Krzysztoforksi
Rhymes: Brzezinski Korzybski Malinowski Paderewski Polanski Pulaski Sierpinski grievously frequency recently decency greedily
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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