Statistics and meaning of name Kuhlwilm

We have no records about Kuhlwilm being used as firstname.
Surname Kuhlwilm is used at least 40 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Kuhlwilm
Given names
Janice Kuhlwilm (3)
David Kuhlwilm (3)
Fraser Kuhlwilm (3)
Eric Kuhlwilm (2)
Alan Kuhlwilm (2)
Kathryn Kuhlwilm (2)
James Kuhlwilm (2)
Morag Kuhlwilm (1)
Olaf Kuhlwilm (1)
Volker Kuhlwilm (1)
Oliver Kuhlwilm (1)
Marjory Kuhlwilm (1)
Alistair Kuhlwilm (1)
Charlotte Kuhlwilm (1)
Andrew Kuhlwilm (1)
Erik Kuhlwilm (1)
Bruno Kuhlwilm (1)
Margaret Kuhlwilm (1)

Surname Kuhlwilm in USA   

Kuhlwilm reversed is Mliwlhuk
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Kuhlwylm Kuhlvvilm Kuhlwjlm Kuhlwelm Kuhlwilma Khulwilm Kuhlwiml Kuhlwlim

Rhymes: film microfilm clingfilm kiln villein

Meaning of this name is unknown.

wilhelm Gütersloh says: Der Name Kuhlwilm bedeutet Wilhelm an der Kuhle. Eine Kuhle ist eine Bodenvertiefung. Kuhle ist auch eine Miete für Rüben, Kartoffeln etc.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Norway Europe Thailand Spain


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