Statistics and meaning of name Kuhnt

Usage: 6% firstname, 94% surname.
Kuhnt first name was found 4 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Kuhnt is used at least 58 times in at least 12 countries.
Gender of firstname Kuhnt is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 库恩特 (pinyin: kù ēn té)

      Surname Kuhnt
Given names
Sabine Kuhnt (2)
Elfriede Kuhnt (2)
Nicoline Kuhnt (1)
Artur Kuhnt (1)
Christian Kuhnt (1)
Werner Kuhnt (1)
Enrico Kuhnt (1)
Celine Kuhnt (1)
Bertram Kuhnt (1)
Ferdinand Kuhnt (1)
Achim Kuhnt (1)
Eric Kuhnt (1)
Esben Kuhnt (1)
Christiane Kuhnt (1)
Gerhard Kuhnt (1)
Thomas Kuhnt (1)
Jani Kuhnt (1)
Albert Kuhnt (1)
Caroline Kuhnt (1)
Marion Kuhnt (1)
Ingeborg Kuhnt (1)
Birgid Kuhnt (1)
Chstine Kuhnt (1)
Tobias Kuhnt (1)
Chantal Kuhnt (1)
Sylvia Kuhnt (1)
Kai Kuhnt (1)
Patrick Kuhnt (1)
Nadine Kuhnt (1)
Edwige Kuhnt (1)
Bernhard Kuhnt (1)

Given name Kuhnt
Family names
Kuhnt Reiner (1)
Kuhnt Ulrich (1)

Surname Kuhnt in Austria   Surname Kuhnt in France   Surname Kuhnt in Germany   Surname Kuhnt in USA   

Kuhnt reversed is Tnhuk
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Tkunh Khutn
Misspells: Kuhnta Khunt Kuhtn Kunht

Rhymes: hunt shunt grunt front blunt

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States France Switzerland Australia Canada Thailand Indonesia China Turkey Austria Israel Belgium Poland


Famous people: Irina Kuhnt, Hermann Kuhnt, Werner Kuhnt

Writers: Sonja Kuhnt, Sri Kuhnt-Saptodewo

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