Statistics and meaning of name Laal

Usage: 31% firstname, 69% surname.
Laal first name was found 29 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Laal is used at least 62 times in at least 13 countries.
Origin of this name is Hindi.

      Surname Laal
Given names
Manfred Laal (1)
Mike Laal (1)
Udo Laal (1)
Bernd Laal (1)
Rachid Laal (1)
Chhagan Laal (1)
Joginder Laal (1)
Mustapha Laal (1)
Reza Laal (1)

Given name Laal
Family names
Laal Khalid (1)
Laal Shakeela (1)
Laal Jaan (1)
Laal Anwer (1)

Surname Laal in USA   

Laal reversed is Laal
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lala Aall Llaa
Misspells: Loal Laala Lala

Rhymes: Baal Jamaal Transvaal loll col doll sol pall

Meaning of name Laal is: Pearl, ruby.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand France United Kingdom Canada India Japan


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or about the origins of this name?
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