Statistics and meaning of name Labont

We have no records about Labont being used as firstname.
Surname Labont is used at least 39 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Labont
Given names
Simion Labont (4)
Eugenia Labont (3)
Alexandru Labont (2)
Marioara Labont (2)
Gavril Labont (2)
Valer Labont (2)
Iosif Labont (2)
Dionisie Labont (2)
Stefan Labont (1)
Andreea Labont (1)
Ana Labont (1)
Beatris Labont (1)
Viorica Labont (1)
Samica Labont (1)
Rodica Labont (1)
Ioan Labont (1)
Dobra Labont (1)
Irina Labont (1)
Natalia Labont (1)
Helga Labont (1)

Labont reversed is Tnobal
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Lobnat Blanot Ablotn Lbanto
Misspells: Lobont Labonta Lbaont Labotn Labnot

Rhymes: Beaumont Belmont DuPont Fremont Hellespont Lamont Mont detente want restaurant font commandant

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Thailand Romania India


Writers: Francoise Labonte, Alan Labonte, Marc Labonte, Larry Labonte, Frances Labonte, Richard Labonte, Jay LaBonte, Roger LaBonte, Linda Labonte-Britt, David A. LaBonte, George LaBonte, Maureen LaBonte, Nora LaBonte, Gail LaBonte, Thomas J. Labonte, Ronald N. Labonte

Books: "Terry Labonte (Nascar Champions)"

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or about the origins of this name?
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