Statistics and meaning of name Labriffe
We have no records about Labriffe being used as firstname.
Surname Labriffe is used at least 30 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Hong Kong)
Name written with Chinese letters: 拉布里夫 (pinyin: lā bù lǐ fū)
Given names
Marc Labriffe (2) Odette Labriffe (2) Emmanuel Labriffe (2) Maurice Labriffe (2) Francine Labriffe (1) Robert Labriffe (1) Bruno Labriffe (1) Patrick Labriffe (1) Sandra Labriffe (1) Matthieu Labriffe (1) Sylvain Labriffe (1) Pierre Labriffe (1) Gilbert Labriffe (1) Benjamine Labriffe (1) Evelyne Labriffe (1) Bernard Labriffe (1) Georges Labriffe (1) Alain Labriffe (1) Ginette Labriffe (1) Claire Labriffe (1) Paul Labriffe (1) |
Labriffe reversed is Effirbal
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Bfaifler
Misspells: Lobriffe Labliffe Labrriffe Labryffe Labrjffe Labreffe Labriffea Lbariffe Labrifef
Rhymes: Radcliffe Wycliffe Luftwaffe OKeeffe Tartuffe midriff cliff riff stiff def
Meaning of this name is unknown.
peter says: how does Briffa relate to la Briffe
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