Statistics and meaning of name Laimighofer
We have no records about Laimighofer being used as firstname.
Surname Laimighofer is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Germany)
Given names
Franz Laimighofer (2) Michael Laimighofer (2) Johann Laimighofer (2) Pius Laimighofer (1) Werner Laimighofer (1) Marianne Laimighofer (1) Inge Laimighofer (1) Alexandra Laimighofer (1) Anita Laimighofer (1) Ines Laimighofer (1) Albert Laimighofer (1) Johannes Laimighofer (1) |
Laimighofer reversed is Refohgimial
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.
Anagrams: Gahiilforme Arfoehmilgi Moehirigalf
Misspells: Loimighofer Laimighofel Laimighoferr Laymighofer Lajmighofer Laemighofer Laimighofera Liamighofer Laimighofre Laimighoefr
Rhymes: gofer twofer woofer Bonhoeffer Jenifer Jennifer Loafer sniveler quieter libeller rioter trifler
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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