Statistics and meaning of name Lakhotia

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Lakhotia first name was found 11 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Lakhotia is used at least 539 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Lakhotia
Given names
Reshma Lakhotia (2)
Kiran Lakhotia (2)
Prahlad Lakhotia (2)
Shashikant Lakhotia (1)
Sandeep Lakhotia (1)
Ritv Lakhotia (1)
Ritu Lakhotia (1)
Srikant Lakhotia (1)
Usha Lakhotia (1)
Pramod Lakhotia (1)
Vishal Lakhotia (1)
Vinita Lakhotia (1)
Aditi Lakhotia (1)
Pratik Lakhotia (1)
Manasvi Lakhotia (1)
Krishna Lakhotia (1)
Akhilesh Lakhotia (1)
Bimala Lakhotia (1)
Manish Lakhotia (1)
Medha Lakhotia (1)
Pranav Lakhotia (1)
Prakash Lakhotia (1)
Payal Lakhotia (1)
Akita Lakhotia (1)

Given name Lakhotia

Surname Lakhotia in USA   

Lakhotia reversed is Aitohkal
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Oakilhat Aahitkol
Misspells: Lokhotia Lakhotya Lakhotja Lakhotea Lakhotiaa Lkahotia Lakhotai Lakhoita

Rhymes: Boeotia Croatia Galatia Izvestia Letitia Lucretia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India United Kingdom Canada Germany Singapore Australia Satellite Provider Saudi Arabia Sweden United Arab Emirates New Zealand Malaysia


Writers: Subash Lakhotia, Lakhotia Subhash, Subhash Lakhotia, Ram Niwas Lakhotia

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