Statistics and meaning of name Langroodi
We have no records about Langroodi being used as firstname.
Surname Langroodi is used at least 23 times in at least 5 countries.
Given names
Negar Langroodi (1) Pejam Langroodi (1) Marzieh Langroodi (1) Cesar Langroodi (1) Stella Langroodi (1) Bouzar Langroodi (1) Ali Langroodi (1) |
Langroodi reversed is Idoorgnal
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Aglinordo Riagodonl Lagnoidor Lnirogoda Drinologa
Misspells: Longroodi Langloodi Langrroodi Langroody Langroodj Langroode Langroodia Lnagroodi Langrooid Langrodoi
Rhymes: Jodi broody moody foodie cutie groupie
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Ali Karimi Langroodi says: Langroodi is Farsi, the Persian Language. I do misspell, but that is because in any ancient language, you can write anything in not a specific way. It depends how you pronounce it. Nothing is like English, where even the same spelling has different meanings. 'Lang' in Farsi means 'limb', as in a person who cannot walk properly, because of pain, etc. 'rood' is 'river' in Farsi. Langrood is the name of my home town in Iran, literally means 'the river that limbs' - that is the only river that passes through Langroodi. Reza, the dictator, brought by the British name that town. Moreover, the British took that dictator away too and made his son rule Iran.
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