Statistics and meaning of name Lanzeray

We have no records about Lanzeray being used as firstname.
Surname Lanzeray is used at least 35 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Name written with Chinese letters: 朗泽雷 (pinyin: lǎng zé léi)

Given names
Cedric Lanzeray (2)
Alexandre Lanzeray (2)
Stephane Lanzeray (2)
Bernard Lanzeray (2)
Pierre Lanzeray (2)
Thierry Lanzeray (1)
Mauricette Lanzeray (1)
Henriette Lanzeray (1)
Francis Lanzeray (1)
Yves Lanzeray (1)
Yvette Lanzeray (1)
Marcel Lanzeray (1)
Bruno Lanzeray (1)
Yoann Lanzeray (1)
Teddy Lanzeray (1)
Beatrice Lanzeray (1)
Michel Lanzeray (1)
Marine Lanzeray (1)
Andre Lanzeray (1)
Claude Lanzeray (1)
Stephanie Lanzeray (1)
Gerard Lanzeray (1)
Annick Lanzeray (1)
Jean Lanzeray (1)
Cindy Lanzeray (1)
Ludovic Lanzeray (1)
Karine Lanzeray (1)
Josiane Lanzeray (1)
Patrick Lanzeray (1)

Surname Lanzeray in France   

Lanzeray reversed is Yareznal
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Eanalzyr Ayzarnel
Misspells: Lonzeray Lanzelay Lanzerray Lanzerai Lanzeraya Lnazeray Lanzerya Lanzeary

Rhymes: Thackeray Bray Charbray Cray Gray McCray Murray thej galoshe des pirouette

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany

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