Statistics and meaning of name Laszenko
We have no records about Laszenko being used as firstname.
Surname Laszenko is used at least 10 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Poland)
Given names
Malgorzata Laszenko (1) Marianna Laszenko (1) Zbigniew Laszenko (1) Waclaw Laszenko (1) Jan Laszenko (1) Halina Laszenko (1) Didier Laszenko (1) Michelle Laszenko (1) Alicja Laszenko (1) Victor Laszenko (1) |
Laszenko reversed is Oknezsal
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Snaekloz
Misspells: Loszenko Lasszenko Laszenkoa Lsazenko Laszenok Laszekno
Rhymes: Chernenko Lysenko Yevtushenko Kinko flamenco fellow fresco vero ferro
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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