Statistics and meaning of name Lautaro

Usage: 98% firstname, 2% surname.
Lautaro first name was found 591 times in 22 different countries.
Surname Lautaro is used at least 11 times in at least 7 countries.
Gender of firstname Lautaro is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 劳塔罗 (pinyin: Láo tǎ luó)

      Surname Lautaro
Given names
Salvador Lautaro (1)
Liesel Lautaro (1)
Santore Lautaro (1)

Given name Lautaro
Family names
Lautaro Sanchez (3)
Lautaro Parra (2)
Lautaro Arino (2)
Lautaro Villalon (2)
Lautaro Fernandez (2)
Lautaro Gonzalez (1)
Lautaro Cornejo (1)
Lautaro Cachiarelli (1)
Lautaro Cadena (1)
Lautaro Candioti (1)
Lautaro Zuluaga (1)
Lautaro Gallardo (1)
Lautaro Cabrerizo (1)
Lautaro Groppo (1)
Lautaro Varela (1)
Lautaro Fiorito (1)
Lautaro Herrera (1)
Lautaro Berraondo (1)
Lautaro Cruz (1)
Lautaro Abramovich (1)
Lautaro Coloma (1)
Lautaro Montecinos (1)
Lautaro Diaz (1)
Lautaro Labrin (1)
Lautaro Faivovich (1)
Lautaro Lopez (1)
Lautaro Riveros (1)
Lautaro Peuch (1)
Lautaro Rodriguez (1)

Lautaro reversed is Oratual
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Taaloru Oalutra Roaltua
Misspells: Loutaro Lautalo Lautarro Lautaroa Luataro Lautaor Lautrao

Rhymes: taro Alvaro Amparo Ferraro Figaro Genaro Jivaro borrow sorrow tomorrow morrow pedalo

Meaning of name Lautaro is: speedy Southern Caracara
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Argentina Sweden Poland Chile United Kingdom Italy Germany Bahrain India Europe China Peru Greece France Mexico Thailand Brazil Austria Bolivia Ecuador Malaysia Spain Paraguay


Famous people: Lautaro Germán Acosta, Lautaro Roque Formica

Writers: Lautaro Murúa, Lautaro Vergara, Lautaro Ojeda Segovia, Lautaro Ojeda Segovia, Lautaro Núñez A.

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