Statistics and meaning of name Lazan

Usage: 10% firstname, 90% surname.
Lazan first name was found 22 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Lazan is used at least 184 times in at least 11 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 拉赞 (pinyin: lā zàn)

      Surname Lazan
Given names
Sanda Lazan (4)
Gavril Lazan (3)
Vasile Lazan (3)
Maria Lazan (2)
Rodica Lazan (2)
Tinca Lazan (2)
Emiliano Lazan (2)
Mariana Lazan (2)
Marian Lazan (1)
Sylwester Lazan (1)
Dariusz Lazan (1)
Beata Lazan (1)
Boleslaw Lazan (1)
Milan Lazan (1)
Jozef Lazan (1)
Leopold Lazan (1)
Wanda Lazan (1)
Zosimo Lazan (1)
Jaroslav Lazan (1)
Moises Lazan (1)
Robinson Lazan (1)
Ion Lazan (1)
Irina Lazan (1)
Gheorghe Lazan (1)
Elena Lazan (1)
Alexandru Lazan (1)
Livia Lazan (1)
Nicoleta Lazan (1)
Basile Lazan (1)
David Lazan (1)
Aphrodite Lazan (1)
Adela Lazan (1)
Kezia Lazan (1)
Frantisek Lazan (1)

Given name Lazan
Family names
Lazan Beyko (2)
Lazan Rikoski (1)
Lazan Praja (1)
Lazan Osman (1)

Surname Lazan in Poland   Surname Lazan in USA   

Lazan reversed is Nazal
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lazna Anzal Nlaaz Laanz Laazn Nazal Zaanl Lzana
Misspells: Lozan Lazana Lzaan Lazna Laazn

Rhymes: Kazan Tarzan brazen raven nation haven basin

Meaning of name Lazan is: from the toponymic name 'Laz' [Transylvania] plus the suffix '-an'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Algeria France United Kingdom India United Arab Emirates Thailand Sweden Netherlands Slovakia Australia Jamaica Europe Israel Austria Greece Canada Lithuania Switzerland Italy Estonia Russian Federation South Africa Czech Republic Japan Poland


Old Wiki
Name: Lazan
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the toponymic name Laz (Transylvania) plus the suffix -an
Comments: Lazan , Lăzan

Writers: Benjamin Joseph Lazan, Marion Blumenthal Lazan

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