Statistics and meaning of name Leadsom

We have no records about Leadsom being used as firstname.
Surname Leadsom is used at least 77 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Leadsom
Given names
David Leadsom (5)
John Leadsom (4)
Emma Leadsom (3)
Michael Leadsom (3)
Simon Leadsom (3)
Diana Leadsom (2)
Jean Leadsom (2)
Dominic Leadsom (2)
Michelle Leadsom (2)
Mark Leadsom (2)
Laura Leadsom (2)
Nicola Leadsom (2)
Darren Leadsom (2)
Andrew Leadsom (2)
Ben Leadsom (2)
Samuel Leadsom (2)
Andrea Leadsom (2)
Cheryl Leadsom (2)
Sophie Leadsom (2)
Kate Leadsom (1)
Sarah Leadsom (1)
Sam Leadsom (1)
Paul Leadsom (1)
Pauline Leadsom (1)
Robert Leadsom (1)
Nicholas Leadsom (1)
Justin Leadsom (1)
Francis Leadsom (1)
Camilla Leadsom (1)
Caroline Leadsom (1)
Bridget Leadsom (1)
Brian Leadsom (1)
Alison Leadsom (1)
Brenda Leadsom (1)
Christopher Leadsom (1)
Clifford Leadsom (1)
Geoffrey Leadsom (1)
Isabella Leadsom (1)
Bev Leadsom (1)
Ema Leadsom (1)
Dave Leadsom (1)
Doreen Leadsom (1)
Jeremy Leadsom (1)

Leadsom reversed is Mosdael
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Laemdos Dselmoa Ledamso Eamdosl Smadloe Melados Moesadl Dolmaes
Misspells: Leodsom Leadssom Leadsoma Laedsom Leadsmo Leadosm

Rhymes: Epsom Folsom besom blossom bosom hansom lissom freedom rerum diesem threesome enim

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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