Statistics and meaning of name Leatrice

Usage: 93% firstname, 7% surname.
Leatrice first name was found 3688 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Leatrice is used at least 267 times in at least 1 countries. (USA)
Origin of this name is American English.
Gender of firstname Leatrice is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Leatrice
Family names
Leatrice Gillingham (3)
Leatrice Hinds (2)
Leatrice Keid (1)
Leatrice Risner (1)
Leatrice Rubenstein (1)
Leatrice Blin (1)
Leatrice Shirling (1)
Leatrice Goorvitch (1)
Leatrice Pulver (1)
Leatrice Briggs (1)
Leatrice Lovelace (1)
Leatrice Sherling (1)
Leatrice Borr (1)
Leatrice Dainow (1)
Leatrice Iwobi (1)

Surname Leatrice in USA   

Leatrice reversed is Ecirtael
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Catireel Celatier Eetciarl Ereaclit
Misspells: Leotrice Leatlice Leatrrice Leatryce Leatrjce Leatrece Leatricea Laetrice Leatriec Leatrcie

Rhymes: Beatrice Patrice cicatrice trice Alice Berenice regis leanness theatrics penis brevis

Meaning of name Leatrice is: N/A
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Australia United Kingdom India Mexico Malaysia Grenada


Famous people: Leatrice Joy

Writers: Leatrice Joy, Leatrice Nakano, Leatrice Lees, Leatrice Eiseman, Leatrice Rabinsky, Leatrice Mendelsohn, Leatrice W. Emeruwa, Leatrice D MacDonald, Leatrice McLaughlin, Leatrice Gilbert Fountain, Leatrice R. Arakaki, Leatrice T. Mirikitani

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or about the origins of this name?
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