Statistics and meaning of name Lebtahi

We have no records about Lebtahi being used as firstname.
Surname Lebtahi is used at least 28 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Lebtahi
Given names
Mohamed Lebtahi (3)
Hamid Lebtahi (2)
Stevens Lebtahi (1)
Sonia Lebtahi (1)
Toma Lebtahi (1)
Yannick Lebtahi (1)
Nadia Lebtahi (1)
Nassiba Lebtahi (1)
Zohra Lebtahi (1)
Sarah Lebtahi (1)
Mourad Lebtahi (1)
Rachida Lebtahi (1)
Malika Lebtahi (1)
Tarik Lebtahi (1)
Yacine Lebtahi (1)
Mamoud Lebtahi (1)
Fatiha Lebtahi (1)
Nasera Lebtahi (1)

Surname Lebtahi in France   

Lebtahi reversed is Ihatbel
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Lbeitha Tabehil Taelihb Letbiah Ebithal
Misspells: Lebtohi Lebtahy Lebtahj Lebtahe Lebtahia Lbetahi Lebtaih Lebthai

Rhymes: stuffy phantasy puffy jalousie fuzzy

Meaning of this name is unknown.

lebtahi says: l origine c est lebdhah qui veut dire plaine el betha en arabe nos encetre etaient les habitant de la plaine cequi veut dire lebtahi qui se trouve a beni ali gouraya w tipaza aligerie merc

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