Statistics and meaning of name Lecompt
We have no records about Lecompt being used as firstname.
Surname Lecompt is used at least 72 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 勒孔 (pinyin: lè kǒng)
Given names
Philippe Lecompt (3) Gerard Lecompt (2) Sebastien Lecompt (1) Romain Lecompt (1) Yves Lecompt (1) Andre Lecompt (1) Solange Lecompt (1) Maurice Lecompt (1) Leon Lecompt (1) Jean Lecompt (1) Michel Lecompt (1) Herlinde Lecompt (1) Antoine Lecompt (1) Didier Lecompt (1) Thomas Lecompt (1) Dominique Lecompt (1) Cyril Lecompt (1) |
Lecompt reversed is Tpmocel
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Anagrams: Lcetopm Telcopm Tpemcol
Misspells: Lecompta Lceompt Lecomtp Lecopmt
Rhymes: prompt attempt contempt exempt nonexempt preempt rarest rennet present credit parent
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: Tom Lecompte, Teresa Lecompte, Marlene Lecompte, douard Lecompte, Stephanie Lecompte, Michel Lecompte, LECOMPTE MARGARET, Denis Lecompte, Jean Lecompte, Janet Lecompte, Édouard Lecompte, Dave LeCompte, David LeCompte, Brett A. Lecompte, W. Ayhan LeCompte, Margaret Diane LeCompte, Andrew LeCompte, Mary Lou LeCompte, Michelle LeCompte, Jane LeCompte
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