Statistics and meaning of name Legieda

We have no records about Legieda being used as firstname.
Surname Legieda is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Poland)

Given names
Tadeusz Legieda (2)
Ludovic Legieda (1)
Melodie Legieda (1)
Nicolas Legieda (1)
Sylvie Legieda (1)
Gregory Legieda (1)
Christian Legieda (1)
Olivier Legieda (1)
Denis Legieda (1)
Claude Legieda (1)
Ghislaine Legieda (1)
Henri Legieda (1)
Sebastien Legieda (1)
Eglantine Legieda (1)

Surname Legieda in France   

Legieda reversed is Adeigel
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Iegedal Leigaed Egaidel Eagilde Aelgide Adeegil Daelige Idlagee
Misspells: Legiedo Legyeda Legjeda Legeeda Legiedaa Lgeieda Legiead Legidea

Rhymes: Frieda Alfreda Andromeda Ayurveda Castaneda Freda area malaria leukaemia millennia biennia

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Germany Italy Thailand Belgium United Kingdom Europe

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