Statistics and meaning of name Legocka
We have no records about Legocka being used as firstname.
Surname Legocka is used at least 49 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Grazyna Legocka (4) Barbara Legocka (3) Zofia Legocka (3) Teresa Legocka (3) Bozena Legocka (3) Halina Legocka (2) Longina Legocka (2) Helena Legocka (2) Malgorzata Legocka (2) Janina Legocka (2) Anna Legocka (2) Elzbieta Legocka (2) Wanda Legocka (1) Urszula Legocka (1) Izabella Legocka (1) Zenona Legocka (1) Feliksa Legocka (1) Otylia Legocka (1) Sabina Legocka (1) Miroslawa Legocka (1) Bronislawa Legocka (1) Henryka Legocka (1) Danuta Legocka (1) Krystyna Legocka (1) Leokadia Legocka (1) Bogumila Legocka (1) Alicja Legocka (1) Dorota Legocka (1) |
Legocka reversed is Akcogel
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Ocgekal Ocelakg Leogack Cagolke Aelgokc Akecgol Kacloge Oklagec
Misspells: Legocko Legockaa Lgeocka Legocak Legokca
Rhymes: Ericka saga raga regatta gonna comma
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: Jolanta Legocka
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