Statistics and meaning of name Lendvaj

We have no records about Lendvaj being used as firstname.
Surname Lendvaj is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 伦德瓦伊 (pinyin: lún dé wǎ yī)

      Surname Lendvaj
Given names
Mladen Lendvaj (2)
Ivan Lendvaj (2)
Ivica Lendvaj (1)
Kresimir Lendvaj (1)
Rebeka Lendvaj (1)
Zeljka Lendvaj (1)
Vlado Lendvaj (1)
Natasa Lendvaj (1)
Duro Lendvaj (1)
Franja Lendvaj (1)
Antun Lendvaj (1)
Josef Lendvaj (1)
Ilinka Lendvaj (1)
Imre Lendvaj (1)
Julijana Lendvaj (1)
Jelena Lendvaj (1)
Milica Lendvaj (1)

Surname Lendvaj in Croatia   

Lendvaj reversed is Javdnel
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Lnejdav Dveljan
Misspells: Lendvoj Lendbaj Lendvai Lendvaja Lnedvaj Lendvja Lendavj

Rhymes: wreckage message neglige percentage assemblage

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Croatia Netherlands Slovenia Thailand New Zealand France Serbia

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