Statistics and meaning of name Lesguillons

We have no records about Lesguillons being used as firstname.
Surname Lesguillons is used at least 19 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Switzerland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 莱吉永 (pinyin: lái jí yǒng)

Given names
Philippe Lesguillons (3)
Henry Lesguillons (2)
Bertrand Lesguillons (2)
Francois Lesguillons (1)
Natacha Lesguillons (1)
Melanie Lesguillons (1)
Catherine Lesguillons (1)
Valerie Lesguillons (1)
Julie Lesguillons (1)
Pierre Lesguillons (1)
Denise Lesguillons (1)
Sarah Lesguillons (1)
Francoise Lesguillons (1)

Surname Lesguillons in France   

Lesguillons reversed is Snolliugsel
Name contains 11 letters - 36.36% vowels and 63.64% consonants.

Misspells: Lessguillons Lesguyllons Lesgujllons Lesguellons Lesguillonsa Lseguillons Lesguillosn Lesguillnos

Rhymes: bouillons carillons gallons Babylons Orlons Teflons biathlons thespians clarions areas burials

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Germany


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