Statistics and meaning of name Lestournelle
We have no records about Lestournelle being used as firstname.
Surname Lestournelle is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,France)
Given names
Raymond Lestournelle (2) Laurence Lestournelle (1) Guy Lestournelle (1) Marc Lestournelle (1) Monique Lestournelle (1) Sonia Lestournelle (1) Gautier Lestournelle (1) Eric Lestournelle (1) Thomas Lestournelle (1) Caroline Lestournelle (1) Alain Lestournelle (1) Cecile Lestournelle (1) Christian Lestournelle (1) Patrice Lestournelle (1) |
![Surname Lestournelle in France Surname Lestournelle in France](/img/France/Lestournelle.jpg)
Lestournelle reversed is Ellenruotsel
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.
Misspells: Lestoulnelle Lestourrnelle Lesstournelle Lestournellea Lsetournelle Lestournelel
Rhymes: Janelle organelle Annabelle Danielle Estelle Gabrielle Isabelle foretell personnel hotel smell farewell
Meaning of this name is unknown.
lestournelle says: This name has a Latine origin : Sturnus, that means : Bird. Sturnellus is a diminutive meaning firstly little bird, and later : Starling. It came through France from the south directly to Normandy (between XIIth and XVIth centuries). Then to French Brittany (Bretagne) until the end of the XIXth century. Then a part of the family (mine) left Bretagne by 1870, to Angers, then to Nimes, then to Chateauneuf de Gadagne, then to Marseille. It's in Angers that the family parted, which justifies the presence of other members of the Lestournelle family in Paris and region, in the center of France, in the south. I am Alain Lestournelle, born in 1949, with two brothers and one sister, and I have three children and four grand-children. Still kids to keep the name going on for some time ...
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