Statistics and meaning of name Letanoux

We have no records about Letanoux being used as firstname.
Surname Letanoux is used at least 27 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Netherlands)

Given names
Roger Letanoux (2)
Jean Letanoux (1)
Martine Letanoux (1)
Gilles Letanoux (1)
Raymone Letanoux (1)
Sophie Letanoux (1)
Pierre Letanoux (1)
Cyril Letanoux (1)
Michele Letanoux (1)
Isabelle Letanoux (1)
Alain Letanoux (1)
Loic Letanoux (1)
Jacques Letanoux (1)
Fabien Letanoux (1)
Bernadette Letanoux (1)
Nadine Letanoux (1)
Laure Letanoux (1)
Maud Letanoux (1)
Herve Letanoux (1)
Vincent Letanoux (1)
Paul Letanoux (1)
Joseph Letanoux (1)

Surname Letanoux in France   

Letanoux reversed is Xuonatel
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Altexnuo Utaonexl Uetxoaln Netulaxo Ueltaoxn Xnetuloa Toenulxa Onlatuex
Misspells: Letonoux Letanouxa Lteanoux Letanoxu Letanuox

Rhymes: Giraudoux Sioux retinue revenue residue renew new

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Europe Reunion

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