Statistics and meaning of name Lexi

Usage: 96% firstname, 4% surname.
Lexi first name was found 2023 times in 24 different countries.
Surname Lexi is used at least 69 times in at least 11 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Gender of firstname Lexi is 83% feminine and 17% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 莱克西 (pinyin: lái kè xī)

      Surname Lexi
Given names
Ivar Lexi (1)
Kalman Lexi (1)

Given name Lexi
Family names
Lexi Elven (2)
Lexi Gauci (1)
Lexi Galli (1)
Lexi Greenwell (1)
Lexi Dormain (1)
Lexi Armour (1)
Lexi Soltanikasmaei (1)
Lexi Murtagh (1)
Lexi Seggons (1)
Lexi Lindley (1)
Lexi Cherniavsky (1)
Lexi Cargo (1)
Lexi Ross (1)
Lexi Velardo (1)
Lexi Gossen (1)
Lexi Berge (1)
Lexi Bainas (1)
Lexi Paul (1)
Lexi Beaken (1)
Lexi Barrington (1)
Lexi Barringer (1)
Lexi Dziadzia (1)
Lexi Lange (1)

Surname Lexi in USA   

Lexi reversed is Ixel
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Leix Lxei Exil Ilxe Lixe Ixel Iexl Exli
Misspells: Lexy Lexj Lexe Lexia Lxei Leix

Rhymes: apoplexy recce ready rarely

Meaning of name Lexi is: Defending men
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Malaysia Germany Poland Canada Sweden United Kingdom Taiwan Australia Netherlands Italy Iran Indonesia Ireland India Philippines Ukraine Jersey Russian Federation France Thailand Argentina Slovakia Norway Switzerland Pakistan Spain Europe Venezuela Romania South Africa


Famous people: Lexi Belle, Lexi Fernandez, Lexi Randall, Lexi Love, Lexi Lamour, Lexi Schulze

Writers: Lexie Canon, Lexis Nexis, Lexie Pfetzing, Lexie Williams, Lexie Karlsen, Lexi Davis, Lexi Welanetz, Lexi Tabback, Lexi Sundell, Lexi Boeger, Lexi Rudnitsky, Lexi Ryals, Nexis Lexis, Lexi Shockley, Lexie Lenhoff, Lexi Connor, Lexis Law

Books: "Lexie" "Pediatric Lexi-Drugs for Palm OS" "Lexi-Natural Products: Palm OS" "Lexi-Drugs Platinum: Pocket PC" "Lexi-Infectious Diseases: Palm OS" "Lexi-Interact: Pocket PC" "By Lexie Roberts" "Lexi-Comp Clinical Suite: Palm OS" "LEXIS District of Columbia code" "LEXIS: academic vocabulary study"

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