Statistics and meaning of name Leybold

We have no records about Leybold being used as firstname.
Surname Leybold is used at least 81 times in at least 9 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 莱博尔德 (pinyin: lái bó ěr dé)

      Surname Leybold
Given names
Gabriele Leybold (2)
Thomas Leybold (2)
Oswald Leybold (2)
Eric Leybold (2)
Frank Leybold (2)
Rainer Leybold (1)
Olaf Leybold (1)
Manuela Leybold (1)
Monika Leybold (1)
Stefan Leybold (1)
Ursula Leybold (1)
Matthias Leybold (1)
Elfride Leybold (1)
Wolfgang Leybold (1)
Lisa Leybold (1)
Ralf Leybold (1)
Imke Leybold (1)
Horst Leybold (1)
Else Leybold (1)
Hannes Leybold (1)
Stephane Leybold (1)
Simone Leybold (1)
Franko Leybold (1)
Friedrich Leybold (1)
Herbert Leybold (1)
Inge Leybold (1)
Helmut Leybold (1)
Gottlieb Leybold (1)
Georg Leybold (1)
Jennifer Leybold (1)

Surname Leybold in Germany   Surname Leybold in USA   

Leybold reversed is Dlobyel
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Lebydol Delyblo Ldolbye
Misspells: Leibold Leybolda Lyebold Leybodl Leyblod

Rhymes: bold Arnold Cotswold Hammarskjold Harold Jerold Jerrold railroad payload caseload trainload planeload

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States France Canada Liechtenstein Netherlands Colombia Japan Costa Rica Turkey


Writers: Hans Leybold, Christian Leybold

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