Statistics and meaning of name Lhorte
We have no records about Lhorte being used as firstname.
Surname Lhorte is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Netherlands)
Name written with Chinese letters: 洛尔特 (pinyin: Luò ěr té)
Given names
Guy Lhorte (1) Gerard Lhorte (1) Christian Lhorte (1) Jacques Lhorte (1) Jeanne Lhorte (1) Jean Lhorte (1) Sylvette Lhorte (1) Michel Lhorte (1) Celine Lhorte (1) Carine Lhorte (1) Pauline Lhorte (1) Andre Lhorte (1) Philippe Lhorte (1) Eric Lhorte (1) Francoise Lhorte (1) Sophie Lhorte (1) Severine Lhorte (1) Claude Lhorte (1) |
Lhorte reversed is Etrohl
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Horelt Lrothe Holret Lohter Treloh Holter
Misspells: Lholte Lhorrte Lhortea Lohrte Lhoret Lhotre
Rhymes: forte pianoforte torte Astarte Bonaparte Harte short sort fort resort assort
Meaning of this name is unknown.
lhorte says: from latin roots, horto, greens garden, usually assigned to families employed in gardening for catering monasteries and/or landlords.
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