Statistics and meaning of name Liljenroth

We have no records about Liljenroth being used as firstname.
Surname Liljenroth is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Sweden)
Name written with Chinese letters: 利延罗特 (pinyin: lì yán luō té)

Given names
Lena Liljenroth (2)
Ulf Liljenroth (2)
Bengt Liljenroth (2)
Karin Liljenroth (1)
Malin Liljenroth (1)
Markus Liljenroth (1)
Petra Liljenroth (1)
Peter Liljenroth (1)
Maths Liljenroth (1)
Frida Liljenroth (1)
Pia Liljenroth (1)
Frans Liljenroth (1)
Anna Liljenroth (1)
Frej Liljenroth (1)
Hanna Liljenroth (1)
Ulrika Liljenroth (1)
Helen Liljenroth (1)
Angelica Liljenroth (1)

Liljenroth reversed is Htornejlil
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Liljenloth Liljenrroth Lyljenroth Ljljenroth Lilienroth Leljenroth Liljenrotha Llijenroth Liljenroht Liljenrtoh

Rhymes: betroth broth froth troth wroth

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden Thailand United Kingdom France


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