Statistics and meaning of name Lilloy
We have no records about Lilloy being used as firstname.
Surname Lilloy is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (Argentina,Norway)
Given names
Anette Lilloy (2) Sigfred Lilloy (1) Torleif Lilloy (1) Trond Lilloy (1) Vibeke Lilloy (1) Mette Lilloy (1) Jorn Lilloy (1) Berit Lilloy (1) Bjorn Lilloy (1) Elin Lilloy (1) Guro Lilloy (1) Lene Lilloy (1) |
Lilloy reversed is Yollil
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Illylo Yiloll Llioly Lylloi Olylli Illoyl
Misspells: Lylloy Lilloi Ljlloy Lelloy Lilloya Lliloy Lillyo Liloly
Rhymes: Permalloy alloy Carboloy Eloy cloy philoi killjoy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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