Statistics and meaning of name Lintaru

We have no records about Lintaru being used as firstname.
Surname Lintaru is used at least 23 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 林塔鲁 (pinyin: lín tǎ lǔ)

Given names
Vasile Lintaru (3)
Marcel Lintaru (2)
Razvan Lintaru (2)
Steliana Lintaru (2)
Constantin Lintaru (2)
Lazar Lintaru (2)
Cristian Lintaru (2)
Elisabeta Lintaru (2)
Gheorghita Lintaru (1)
Neculai Lintaru (1)
Gherghina Lintaru (1)

Lintaru reversed is Uratnil
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Lniutra Tanirul Tailurn Litnuar Inutral
Misspells: Lintoru Lintalu Lintarru Lyntaru Ljntaru Lentaru Lintarua Lnitaru Lintaur Lintrau

Rhymes: Amaru Subaru manu impromptu yahoo fondu

Meaning of name Lintaru is: derived from the word 'linte' = 'lentil' plus the suffix '-ar'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania

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Old Wiki
Name: Lintaru
Language: Romanian
Meaning: derived from the word linte = lentil plus the suffix -ar

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