Statistics and meaning of name Loidreau

We have no records about Loidreau being used as firstname.
Surname Loidreau is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Germany)
Name written with Chinese letters: 卢瓦德罗 (pinyin: lú wǎ dé luō)

Given names
Claudette Loidreau (2)
Clodette Loidreau (1)
Jacques Loidreau (1)
Natacha Loidreau (1)
Emmanuel Loidreau (1)
Philippe Loidreau (1)
Catherine Loidreau (1)
Simone Loidreau (1)
Marcel Loidreau (1)
Cedric Loidreau (1)
Yves Loidreau (1)
Pierre Loidreau (1)
Nathalie Loidreau (1)
Claudine Loidreau (1)

Surname Loidreau in France   

Loidreau reversed is Uaerdiol
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Aideroul Aolideur
Misspells: Loidreou Loidleau Loidrreau Loydreau Lojdreau Loedreau Loidreaua Liodreau Loidreua Loidraeu

Rhymes: Cointreau Thoreau bureau Beau Clemenceau Clouseau Cocteau blow radio pro tableau rodeo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France


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