Statistics and meaning of name Loingeville
We have no records about Loingeville being used as firstname.
Surname Loingeville is used at least 15 times in at least 1 countries. (France)
Given names
Jacques Loingeville (2) Herve Loingeville (2) Gerard Loingeville (2) Michel Loingeville (1) Arlette Loingeville (1) Paul Loingeville (1) Jean Loingeville (1) Claire Loingeville (1) Stephane Loingeville (1) Laurent Loingeville (1) Catherine Loingeville (1) Aude Loingeville (1) |
Loingeville reversed is Ellivegniol
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.
Anagrams: Eovgillienl Nilviegeoll Eilvilnogle
Misspells: Loyngeville Loingebille Lojngeville Loengeville Loingevillea Liongeville Loingevilel
Rhymes: Bonneville Brazzaville Brownsville Chancellorsville Evansville Huntsville Jacksonville
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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