Statistics and meaning of name Lomaglio

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Lomaglio first name was found 7 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Lomaglio is used at least 188 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Lomaglio
Given names
Stefano Lomaglio (3)
Fernando Lomaglio (3)
Giuseppe Lomaglio (3)
Pasquale Lomaglio (2)
Salvatore Lomaglio (2)
Benito Lomaglio (2)
Pietro Lomaglio (2)
Leopoldo Lomaglio (2)
Angelo Lomaglio (2)
Raffaele Lomaglio (1)
Quirino Lomaglio (1)
Sergio Lomaglio (1)
Florence Lomaglio (1)
Jacques Lomaglio (1)
Tommasina Lomaglio (1)
Roberta Lomaglio (1)
Maurizio Lomaglio (1)
Delio Lomaglio (1)
Carlo Lomaglio (1)
Alessandro Lomaglio (1)
Robert Lomaglio (1)
Ettore Lomaglio (1)
Giacinto Lomaglio (1)
Michele Lomaglio (1)
Luigi Lomaglio (1)
Laurina Lomaglio (1)
Paolo Lomaglio (1)

Surname Lomaglio in Italy   Surname Lomaglio in USA   

Lomaglio reversed is Oilgamol
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Almoogil Imalgool Iomolalg Gomilaol Iolmalog Ogomilla Mlogiloa
Misspells: Lomoglio Lomaglyo Lomagljo Lomagleo Lomaglioa Lmoaglio Lomagloi Lomagilo

Rhymes: intaglio seraglio imbroglio Aurelio Clio cambio passio

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Norway Switzerland Thailand Russian Federation Hong Kong


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