Statistics and meaning of name Lorm

Usage: 34% firstname, 66% surname.
Lorm first name was found 20 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Mexico)
Surname Lorm is used at least 38 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Lorm

Surname Lorm in USA   

Lorm reversed is Mrol
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lomr Lrom Mrol Morl
Misspells: Lolm Lorrm Lorma Lrom Lomr

Rhymes: Maidenform angleworm barnstorm bookworm brainstorm chloroform conform corm term firm affirm germ

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Australia Netherlands Belgium Finland Austria


Writers: Anna Lorme, Roland Lawrence De Lorme, Maureen DeLorme, Jean Louis de Lorme, De Lorme Mapping Company, Charles D. DeLorme, Eleanor P. DeLorme, Harry H. DeLorme, Diane DeLorme MacMillan

Books: "The Lormes of Castle Rising" "DeLorme South Carolina Atlas"

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