Statistics and meaning of name Luhrmann

We have no records about Luhrmann being used as firstname.
Surname Luhrmann is used at least 42 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Luhrmann
Given names
Joachim Luhrmann (2)
Hartmut Luhrmann (2)
Petra Luhrmann (1)
Reinhard Luhrmann (1)
Tischlermeister Luhrmann (1)
Anja Luhrmann (1)
Irmgard Luhrmann (1)
Alfred Luhrmann (1)
Helmut Luhrmann (1)
Ingrid Luhrmann (1)
Mareike Luhrmann (1)

Surname Luhrmann in Germany   Surname Luhrmann in USA   

Luhrmann reversed is Nnamrhul
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Luhrmonn Luhlmann Luhrrmann Luhrmanna Lhurmann Luhrmnan

Rhymes: Wassermann Bertelsmann Boltzmann Bultmann Eichmann Hauptmann Lippmann woman footman woodman bushman woodmen

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Italy Sweden New Zealand Hungary United Kingdom


Famous people: Tanya Marie Luhrmann

Writers: Baz Luhrmann, Thomas Luhrmann, Tanya Luhrmann, Winifred Bruce Luhrmann, T. M. Luhrmann

Books: "Baz Luhrmann (World Directors)"

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