Statistics and meaning of name Luktuke

We have no records about Luktuke being used as firstname.
Surname Luktuke is used at least 50 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Luktuke

Surname Luktuke in USA   

Luktuke reversed is Ekutkul
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Lkuetku Tukukel Tuulekk Lutkeuk Uketkul
Misspells: Luktukea Lkutuke Luktuek Luktkue

Rhymes: Duke Luke Mameluke archduke duke fluke nuke rebuke spook tuque uk

Meaning of this name is unknown.

SHREENIVAS LUKTUKE says: In late 80s(may be in 1987-88 one Mr.Luktuke met me in Vile Parle in a relative's marriage.This Mr.Luktuke(mostly his first name was Ram) was staying in Vile Parle East for many years and when we met he had retired from Air India,as per his knowledge "LUKTUKE" was actually "LAKHTIKE"= "LAKH TIKE"=LAKH TIKKE/TAKKA=LAKH RUPEES,those who were having 1 Lakh rupees or more were called/known as "LAKHTIKE",I wonder if that's true and if that surname came in use some 250-300 years back,how much that 1 Lakh would be worth today?

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