Statistics and meaning of name Lunario

We have no records about Lunario being used as firstname.
Surname Lunario is used at least 30 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Lunario
Given names
Vincenzo Lunario (1)
Gino Lunario (1)
Antonio Lunario (1)
Rosa Lunario (1)
Raffaele Lunario (1)
Domenico Lunario (1)
Maria Lunario (1)
Nathaniel Lunario (1)

Surname Lunario in Italy   Surname Lunario in USA   

Lunario reversed is Oiranul
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Aruloin Luanori Ronaliu Oulnair Iorlanu Ailonur
Misspells: Lunorio Lunalio Lunarrio Lunaryo Lunarjo Lunareo Lunarioa Lnuario Lunaroi Lunairo

Rhymes: scenario Dario Hilario Lothario Mario Ontario Rosario barrio necesario cardio cogito

Meaning of this name is unknown.

FELiciDAd says: Wow jajsja no sabia que mi apellido es muy comun en USA porque en donde vivo soy la unica persona con este apellido

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Switzerland Philippines Thailand Germany Singapore United Kingdom Taiwan


Writers: Reginald Alconis Lunario

Books: "Lunario Sentimental" "Lunario di Brianza" "Lunario sentimental"

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